
Biomedical Engineering Student Association (BESA) is a student organization serving the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group. The goal of BESA is to provide a community for  graduate students in Biomedical Engineering at UC Davis.

BESA Social – Through out the year, we provide fun opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to interact through events such as faculty-student luncheons, BBQs, hikes, community service projects, holiday parties, IM sports, camping trips, and more.  In addition, BESA plays an integral role in welcoming new BMEGG students in the fall and in recruiting new students in the spring.

BESA  Outreach encompasses both industry-based and community-based outreach. Community outreach programs consist of young scientist mentoring, K-12 science demonstrations, and informative sessions about college for high schoolers in the application process. Industry outreach aims to prepare UC Davis graduate students for a career in the Biomedical Engineering Industry. The BESA outreach program is aimed at bringing the science produced by the BME department to the wider community and introducing science to young adults.

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